Topics in Algebraic geometry: Hodge Theory

This is the course page for the Fall 2022 Hodge theory course. We will loosely follow Voisin’s books, but with lots of supplemental material to be posted here.

Voisin, Hodge Theory and Complex Algebraic Geometry I

Voisin, Hodge Theory and Complex Algebraic Geometry II

Office Hours: T1-2, BA6172

Tentative Schedule

Week 1: What is Hodge theory? Intro to complex manifolds, Kähler structures, etc.

Week 2: de Rham cohomology, Laplacians, elliptic operators

Week 3: The Hodge and Lefschetz decompositions, and the Hodge index theorem

Week 4: Hodge structures, polarizations, the Hodge-to-de Rham spectral sequence

Week 5: Algebraic de Rham cohomology, comparison, Deligne-Illusie and reduction mod p

Week 6: Some applications — generic vanishing

Week 7: Variations of Hodge structure, period maps

Week 8: Some applications — IVHS, generic Torelli theorems, monodromy

Week 9: Cycle classes


Students will be asked to write a short note and give a short presentation on a topic of Hodge theory, individually or in pairs. Some possible topics include: